Media Coverage of the 2023 KC DiversAbility College and Career Fair
TTA's second metro-wide college and career fair
For the second annual KC DiversAbility College and Career Fair, The Transition Academy (TTA) partnered with Down Syndrome Innovations and Sherwood Autism Center to create the city’s only metro-wide event focused on connecting young people with disabilities to supports, services, employers, college recruiters and job training programs.
News coverage of the event included:
On April 6th KCTV 5’s morning show interviewed Kim Riley and also promoted the fair. Click here to watch the story.
Kansas City’s Public Television (KCPT) had been working on a long form piece about disability employment and efforts to support young people as they transition to life after school. That story aired on April 20th: Click here to watch the story about TTA and disability employment
On April 6th WDAF Fox 4’s Matt Stewart came out to do live shots at the fair on the morning show and help promote the fair being open to the general public that evening.
On April 4th KCUR’s Up To Date with Steve Kraske spoke to Kim Riley as well as Amanda Myers with Down Syndrome Innovations about the upcoming fair. They also spoke to Justin Hostetter, a young person with a developmental delay who has found a terrific career fit for himself working at the University of Kansas Health System. Jeff Novorr with the University of Kansas Health System talked about how the organization has worked to be more inclusive to people with disabilities. Click here to listen to the segment.
On March 25th, the Changing Narratives show on KCFI 90.1 radio featured an interview with Kim Riley about TTA and disability employment. Click on the Changing Narratives show and find the March 25th episode:
On March 24th KC Cares radio (which airs originally on social media with a rebroadcast on ESPN Radio) invited Kim Riley on the show to discuss TTA’s vision, mission, and the upcoming college and career fair. Click here to watch the story.
On March 18th, KC’s The Independent Magazine ran a profile piece about Kim Riley as a part of their Trailblazers features: women who are making a difference. Click here to read the feature story.