Job coaches help youth with disabilities transition from school to employment
KCUR news story on Up To Date show highlights KC DiversAbility College and Career Fair
Gerald Mitchell and his mother Michelle were featured on the KCUR radio show Up To Date highlighting the connections he made at last yeat’s KC DiversAbility College and Career Fair:
Gerald Mitchell, an 18-year-old diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, and his family attended The Transition Academy’s KC DiversAbility College and Career Fair in 2023. They explored many of the employment options available to Gerald and that’s how he connected with Easter Seals who got Gerald set up with a job coach and a summer job at Pizza Ranch. The job coach facilitated his integration into the workplace by teaching skills like money management and building support systems.
Gerald's mother, Michelle Mitchell, expressed gratitude for the coaching support, noting the additional challenges in securing employment for individuals with disabilities. She highlighted the importance of ensuring her son's independence with the assistance of a job coach.